Tribute to The Ultimate Nigger Killer
Ryu 0wnz Joos

Ryu Gifs 1

Ryu Gifs 2

Welcome To Ryus j00 0wning Page0rz
Check out this hardcunt to the left he's the fucking ultimate fighter in the world, he is also the ultimate nigger killing machine and he's white too, hardkkkore!!
Funny chat log lol, you know who you are!
MsgPlus rocks!

RoseBud says:
my mum was moaning at me the other day
Thesmophoria says:
RoseBud says:
said i dont get out enough lol
RoseBud says:
lol no
RoseBud says:
so i said buy me an extension cable for the phone line and ill sit out in the garden
RoseBud says:
she hit me lol
RoseBud says:
stupid cow lol
Thesmophoria says:
Thesmophoria says:
that is so funny i need to log it
RoseBud says:
Some sort of update thing that will probably never get updated.
There will be updates when I get bored enough to upload something that will amuse and my friends for general fun and probably taking the piss out of someone, probably a nigger as they're usually the best way to take out agression.

Man he's just hardkore look at him!
Would you call anyone else when you needed someone to wipe out an entire nieghbourhood of niggers, jews, spics, gooks or whatever race of filth you needed to?, I think not!